Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blog 7.. 8-)

After reading this story, first of all i got a little sad because i have a few friends over in Iraq and other locations, and it made me think of them and what there doing to keep their minds at ease. I send my prays to them and their families and hope in my heart that i will get to see them again and shake their hands thanking them for what they do. I know this is off topic but for those who read this blog, you may not support the war and the reasons behind it but supports our troops. They took an oath to protect our freedoms, so they are doingt what they are being told is needed to to protect these freedoms. So next time you see a soldier say thankyou because their sacrificing for us.
Well after reading this essay is the truth about war and how it affects people. How the story about Curt and Rat tells the things that we may not know. How even in the worse of situations people like Rate and Curt who are just trying to make the best of their situation suffer. how a simple game to take their minds off the war ends up with Curt dying. Then rat thinking he is doing a great thing makes him mad. I guess he thought that writing this letter would result in a return letter from Curt's sister and then Rat would have someone to write to. This being maybe another way to for minutes escape the situation he is in. But when he doesn't recieve the letter this makes him mad and bitter. So finally to me this story is about the effects that those who actually witness the horrid events of war actually feel and go through.
The word truth to me is a huge part of the title because, we can read and ask about what happens in a war all we want but in reality those who know the truth are those who are actually there. That why when you somtimes ask someone who was in a war event or even a tramautic event don't like to talk about or even hear about it. So the truth can never truly be understood unitl you actually go through what they went through.

1 comment:

JenniferRose said...

So do you think differently now about war or your blog since discussing it in class?