Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Final Show Down 1 vs 2!!!!!!!

Well in the final battle between essays i have decided to pick ( cue drum roll) the first one is the winner because i want to look more into what i wrote and reflect more on it. There is alot i didnt touch upon and after in reread it i want to get down to the nitty gritty of it. Also i want to add some more and take some away, basically like cooking im going to cut the fat and give you a lean piece of amazing food lol ( sorry im very hungry). The second essay i like alot cause i want to revise it on my own time and give it to my mother cause i think she will really like it. So the winner is the first essay in the long hard fought battle, but it came out on top.....So i cant wait to finalize it and maybe get it published

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