Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Reflection of CNF

1. What are your plans as a writer (how do you expect to use writing in your future)?
- I actually do not know, I am definitely going to proof read and re revise my fourth essay. I loved writing it the most. Because football was such a huge part of my life, this essay was a huge refection of my life. I think writing will continue to be a huge aspect of my life since I am going to be a teacher. I would like to try to write fiction, one of my goals is to write a story of a football player, who is more than just a "meat head". To sum it all up I have no clue as to what my plans as a writer are.

2. Describe any changes in your writing style
- In writing creative nonfiction or nonfiction in general I definitely became more reflective writer. I started to express and write in a more emotional way. My old writing style was just answer the question or write the way my professor would like. My style was dictated by the type of writing i had to do, or the type of writing that was the easiest. Now I take writing assignments and answer them all the way, but using my own style. I don't write the way others dictate, I use my own style. This class helped me form an identity as a writer.

3. Describe any changes in your writing process
-Well to start off I now use a draft process. I was one of those writers who would just sit down and type. Once I started, I would write till i was completely finished, then save it, and be done with it. Now I write a draft first and go from there, like we did in this class. Another thing is I do like a journal writing about any writing assignments I have. I will look at the questions, then write about what I think I should write, seeing what directions I could take to complete the assignment.

4. Describe any changes in your attitude toward/interest in/understanding of writing in general, and CNF in particular.
- Well before i took this class i truly didnt know what CNF was. To me nonfiction wasnt really creative, it was telling a story in a non boring style. Now i understand that CNF is an amazing writing style that takes awhile to completely understand it. I now have a great appreciation of what CNF is and actually going to strive to become a better CNF writer. My attitude went from thinking CNF was a boring writing style to enjoying it and looking forward to reading forms of it.

5. What have you learned about yourself as a writer?
- Well i didn't realize it, I was told by Dr. Chandler and others who read my works that I am a powerful story teller and i write from my heart. I didn't try to write like this, it is just the type of person i am. I do everything from my heart, in my eyes if you do things like that, your doing them to the best of your abilities, all the way till the completion. Also I realized that as a writer i point out the littlest details or I have the ability to capture the moment that i am describing. For example wroting about the moon light reflecting off the ocean. The way i did it was i closed my eytes and started to type, Not accurate, but i knew what i meant. So as a writer i discovered through this class i am a very "deep Person", i use all my emotions.

6. What features of your writing do you feel are most important for you to work on?
- Well my writing mechanics. I sometimes just am so excited to get my point across i dont follow proper grammar. Its my main handicap and I am working extremely diligently on correcting this flaw.

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