Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Reflection of CNF

1. What are your plans as a writer (how do you expect to use writing in your future)?
- I actually do not know, I am definitely going to proof read and re revise my fourth essay. I loved writing it the most. Because football was such a huge part of my life, this essay was a huge refection of my life. I think writing will continue to be a huge aspect of my life since I am going to be a teacher. I would like to try to write fiction, one of my goals is to write a story of a football player, who is more than just a "meat head". To sum it all up I have no clue as to what my plans as a writer are.

2. Describe any changes in your writing style
- In writing creative nonfiction or nonfiction in general I definitely became more reflective writer. I started to express and write in a more emotional way. My old writing style was just answer the question or write the way my professor would like. My style was dictated by the type of writing i had to do, or the type of writing that was the easiest. Now I take writing assignments and answer them all the way, but using my own style. I don't write the way others dictate, I use my own style. This class helped me form an identity as a writer.

3. Describe any changes in your writing process
-Well to start off I now use a draft process. I was one of those writers who would just sit down and type. Once I started, I would write till i was completely finished, then save it, and be done with it. Now I write a draft first and go from there, like we did in this class. Another thing is I do like a journal writing about any writing assignments I have. I will look at the questions, then write about what I think I should write, seeing what directions I could take to complete the assignment.

4. Describe any changes in your attitude toward/interest in/understanding of writing in general, and CNF in particular.
- Well before i took this class i truly didnt know what CNF was. To me nonfiction wasnt really creative, it was telling a story in a non boring style. Now i understand that CNF is an amazing writing style that takes awhile to completely understand it. I now have a great appreciation of what CNF is and actually going to strive to become a better CNF writer. My attitude went from thinking CNF was a boring writing style to enjoying it and looking forward to reading forms of it.

5. What have you learned about yourself as a writer?
- Well i didn't realize it, I was told by Dr. Chandler and others who read my works that I am a powerful story teller and i write from my heart. I didn't try to write like this, it is just the type of person i am. I do everything from my heart, in my eyes if you do things like that, your doing them to the best of your abilities, all the way till the completion. Also I realized that as a writer i point out the littlest details or I have the ability to capture the moment that i am describing. For example wroting about the moon light reflecting off the ocean. The way i did it was i closed my eytes and started to type, Not accurate, but i knew what i meant. So as a writer i discovered through this class i am a very "deep Person", i use all my emotions.

6. What features of your writing do you feel are most important for you to work on?
- Well my writing mechanics. I sometimes just am so excited to get my point across i dont follow proper grammar. Its my main handicap and I am working extremely diligently on correcting this flaw.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Public Venue Project

Essay: “Life In Between The Whistles”

Publication: Sports Literature (

Subject Matter: Mostly about sports and how they affected the authors life. Could be about what it was like participating in the sport or going to stadiums or the food surrounding sports.

Voice: Personal Narrative, Reflective (emphasize to potential submissions, they want very reflective work)

Form and Artistry: Combination of segmented essays, Dialogue, Personal Narrative, Personal Writing.

Length: There isn’t a mandated word length. From reading some of the essays I saw that they easily extend past 2000 words. It seems that the site doesn’t want to put a limit on a creative nonfiction essay because they wouldn’t want to hinder anyone’s essay.

Audience: Anyone could subscribe to the magazine, but for the most part it’s a more of a sport type of journal. All the essays are based upon sports and the authors are reflecting on how these sports played in their life. You can tell this just by some of the titles you see on the website for example. “Heel of a Glove” , “Ballparks” , “Memories of Peanuts and Beers”.

Purpose: Sport Literate is a literary journal focusing on honest reflections on life’s leisurely diversions.” They say that they do enjoy receiving essays on all types of sports stories, but they are more interested in the reason why we play sports and how sports affected their own life rather then the final score.

To Submit: Please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with all correspondence.

Sport Literate

2248 W Belmont No. 20

Chicago IL 60618 or email our editor an attachment

Indicate the type of submission in your subject line

Editor-In-Chief: Wiliam Meiners

Or Managing Editor: Gina Vozenilek

*you can click on their names and it brings you to a page where it has a format where you enter your name and information and have a small text box so you can write what you need to.

Reading Dates: submissions are accepted year round and if chosen the author notified. The magazine is published biannually and a subscriber for 20$ gets two issues.
Pay: none, but they do have contests, the contest this month is football and it is a 15 dollar entrance fee and winner receives 300 dollars. The website shows that they offer numerous contests throughout the year, each one on a different sport or topic surrounding sports.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The relationship to my material was the main part of the composing part of my essay. Each one of my essays was about a important thing in my life which made it fairly simplke to write about. The way i revised my essay was actually the sam trechnique ill use for any other revision i reread what iw rote and try to refelect even more on what i am reading because it makes me think more abnout that particular day or time i was writing about.