Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Definition of Creative NonFiction

After reading the articles and speaking with some of the members from class, I was able to come up with a simple definition of creative nonfiction. Creative Non Fiction is a writing style which anyone can use, but is commonly used by journalists or reporters, which entails telling the truth of a certain event or situation in a manner that grabs the reader and keeps them wanting more. Short in sweet definition basically is gets all the facts across in a non boring way.

1 comment:

S. Chandler said...

So you are thinking CNF is mainly about reporting. OK. *How* is it similar to reporting? What makes it like reporting? What makes it different? I'm curious to read more of what you mean by this. I agree with the non-boring feature. From my understanding of how CNF evolved - one of the ideas was to breathe new life into the essay form - to make it more exciting and get readers "into" it.

What in particular did you find in the readings that helped you come to your conclusions?